Import Event using latest Eventbrite API.Works with leading WordPress Event Calendar Plug-ins.Option to update existing Events (Syncronize Events).Event Import History Logs when & which Events Imported.Get Event details like Event Title, Event Description, Event Images, Event Start Date, Event End date, Event Location (vanue), Event Organizer etc in to WordPress Database.Each Event Import can be imported in different categories.It support One Time Import only or schedule import on regular interval from Event IDs or Organizer’s page.
Event registration widget on single event page. Responsive and impresive event listing design. Powerful shortcode for render Event listing ( ). Simple and Effective in-built Event Management. Advanced Synchronization with Eventbrite Organiser Profile ( Pro).
Import Hourly, Once a Day, Twice a day, Weekly, Monthly from account, IDs ( Pro).
Auto Scheduled event import (Automatic import). Import multiple events using multiple event IDs at one time ( Pro). Import Eventbrite events into all WordPress leading Events plugins. Import Eventbrite events from your Eventbrite account ( Pro). Import Eventbrite events by Eventbrite organiser ID ( Pro). Import Eventbrite event by Event ID using Eventbrite API. Easy and seemless Event import from Eventbrite to WordPres. Upcoming Events Elementor Widget ( Pro). Try Now (Admin Demo) | Pro Version Features You can schedule event import so it will be imported/syncronized automatically Automate your Event Marketing using Import Eventbrite Events plug-in. Import Eventbrite Events allows you to import eventbrite events into your WordPress site automatically. Description Import Eventbrite Events into WordPress :