
Download the new batman adventures over the edge
Download the new batman adventures over the edge

Darker and Edgier: No doubt the darkest episode in the whole series.He would become a villain created by the death of heroine Batgirl. Create Your Own Villain: Batgirl fears that this trope will be enacted if she became a casualty of the collateral damage from a super-battle: The Commissioner Gordon would become a Knight Templar Parent that will destroy the Bat-family.Catapult Nightmare: Barbara wakes up as her dad and Batman fall to their deaths.Car Cushion: Scarecrow bashes Batgirl over the head with his cane, causing her to plummet over the edge of a skyscraper and crash through the windshield of the police car her father is riding in.He cuts her off to maintain deniability, though, as it's implied he already knew. Breaking Bad News Gently: Barbara intends to tell her father the truth, and has him sit down before she starts.

download the new batman adventures over the edge

Beware the Nice Ones: The episode the otherwise kind and tolerant Jim Gordon going ballistic after his daughter is killed.He thus sets a trap, using SWAT officers to soften Bruce up and drive him right into the arms of someone who can take on the Batman one-on-one: Bane. Batman Gambit: Knowing Batman as well as he does, Gordon correctly anticipates a guilt-ridden Bruce will be present at Barbara's funeral (and despite knowing better and that it's too dangerous).The Bad Guys Win: This looks to be the only Batman episode where the bad guy wins, as Scarecrow most likely escaped after dosing Barbara in his fear toxin.Or at least how far Barbara fears he'd go.

download the new batman adventures over the edge

  • Bad Future: We see just how far Commissioner Gordon would go for revenge if Barbara was ever killed in the line of Bat-duty.
  • Anti-Climax: The events of this episode appear to make this the series finale and the final bowout for Batman and his company.
  • All Just a Dream/ Fever Dream Episode: The episode was Batgirl's hallucination after she was hit with Scarecrow's fear toxin.
  • Maddened with grief, Gordon blames Batman and launches a ruthless manhunt. A mission to foil Scarecrow's latest scheme goes horribly wrong, and ends in Batgirl's death - and Gordon discovering that Batgirl was Barbara.

    Download the new batman adventures over the edge